Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Community Roles: The Giver Chapter 1-4 Review/Literature Circles

Here are the tasks for each role in your "community". Please come prepared on Thursday with your task(s) complete and ready to share... or else you may get "released" from your community!

SPEAKER: Make a list of all the rules in the community (in Chp. 1-4). Include the p. # you find the rule (or a hint of it) on. You will present your group's work to the class.

"OUTSIDER": You just moved from your community (Santo Domingo) to "the community". Write a letter home describing the community and summarizing what's happened so far.

ELDER: Record observations of Jonas' character (what he says, does, thinks...). Choose the format you wish, but include p. #s of where you got the info.

PRECISION OF LANGUAGE MASTER: Select 5 words from each chapter (2, 3, &4) that you or your group does not know. Mark or record their context. Then, make vocab. word cards for the words. Design a creative way to teach the words to your group/the class. (Color code: Chp. 2=orange, Chp.3=blue, Chp. 4=yellow).

PLANNING COMMITTEE: Draw "The Community" based on the descriptions you have read so far. Write down 4 quotes (with p. #) that helped you create your drawing.

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