Tuesday, February 15, 2011

What is Love?

Valentine's Day: The day of love and friendship. On this day, everyone celebrates the "power of love" by giving cards, chocolates, flowers, balloons, teddy bears... while chocolate distributors, card stores, and flower shops everywhere rejoice. But the question is, what exactly are we celebrating on this holiday? WHAT IS LOVE?

You all did a VERY impressive job of describing this sensation in class, without using any of the traditional words we usually do, just as Lois Lowry did in Chapter 5 of The Giver. (On a side note, please feel free to share any of those descriptions here, or descriptions you like from your favorite songs). In Chapter 5, we read about Jonas' first "stirrings". He describes a dream in which he has that feeling of "wanting" another person. *Sigh* Jonas, can't we all relate? He describes this feeling as being pleasurable, and wanting to feel this way again. *Sigh* Jonas, don't we all? Sorry about that pill...

So, the questions that remain:
1. What does it feel like to love someone?
2. Is this a PROBLEM for a "perfect society"? Why/Why not?
3. By eliminating "stirrings" with a pill, what societal problems does "The Community" avoid?
4. Is there any potential harm to "The Community" by eliminating "stirrings"? Explain.

(I would like to remind you to answer in the format you wish, but please keep your comments PG and put your name so you get credit for your work).
Much love to you all!

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