Monday, January 31, 2011

In a Perfect World...

Utopia: (n) an ideal place or state

What makes "Utopia" or "the perfect world"? Peace. Justice. Independence. Disney World. Education. "Hotties". Equality. Clean Environment... These are all words that were thrown around in your discussions of what "The Perfect World" would have. We also thought about what keeps that world from happening.
In The Giver by Lois Lowry, Chapter 1 introduces us to a "perfect world".  
What elements does the author say make a perfect world? 
What is needed to keep that world perfect? 
Do you agree? 
Has your opinion changed at all after reading Chapter 1 about what is a "perfect world"?

Please answer these questions in your comment. You may want to include a link to a picture you find on the web or a video that shows what you believe to be "the perfect world", although this is not as neccesary as your ideas on the subject. Don't forget to write your name!

People who have read beyond Chapter 1: PLEASE answer the questions as if you have only read up to p. 10. We don't want to give away any of the juicy parts of the book for our classmates! PLEASE!!!

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