Monday, January 24, 2011

How to Make a great Comment

As you know, one period of Literature class never really gives us enough time to discuss everything we want to. This blog is designed to give you the time, space, and powers of the internet to share your ideas with your classmates and internet users worldwide. Remember that any spiteful, mean-spirited, or inappropriate comments could jeopardize both this blog and Literature class, so please keep those unpublished, and hopefully unsaid.

Here's how to comment on a post:
1. Click on the title of the post you would like to comment on.
2. READ and THINK about the post, including any comments that have already been made.
3. Write your comment/question in the blank box provided, where it says "Post a Comment". Check your conventions (spelling, grammar, etc.).
4. WRITE YOUR NAME either at the beginning or end of your comment... give yourself credit for your ideas!
5. In the box where it asks "Comment as", select "Anonymous". Then, click on "Post Comment" and ADMIRE your contribution!

It is very important to note that all comments must be RESPECTFUL to yourself and others... please use YOUR OWN WORDS and make sure that what you write is a positive representation of you and your class... remember that the whole world can see it!

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