Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Knowledge is Power, Ignorance is Bliss

If knowledge is power and ignorance is bliss, which is better?

In The Giver, Jonas and The Giver are the only 2 community members who are granted the POWER of KNOWLEDGE. The community remains ignorant. Think about how this relates to real life and the question above. You may want to use some of the quotes from The Giver below.

The Giver: "Everyone had access to the memories... It was chaos," he said. "They really suffered for a while... But it certainly made them aware of how they need a Receiver to contain all that pain. And knowledge" (Lowry 104).

The Giver: "I used my wisdom, from the memories. I knew that there had been times in the past -terrible times- when people had destroyed others in haste, in fear, and had brought about their own destruction" (Lowry 112).

About Jonas: "That he had this power frightened him" (Lowry 117).

The Giver, on the community: "They can't help it. They know nothing" (Lowry 153).

The Giver: "My work will be finished... when I have helped the community to change and become whole" (Lowry 161). 

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