Friday, March 11, 2011

Perspectives on Life

Yesterday, we were VERY lucky to be able to have a discussion with Emmanuel College students and staff. 
To all of our visitors from Emmanuel College... thank you for taking the time to come to MC School and share with us. Also, thank you for pushing us to think about and express our opinions on important issues in society today. 
To my beautiful 8th graders... I can't express enough to you how impressed I was with how you handled yourselves yesterday. Not only was I amazed at your ideas, but also the fluency and clarity with which you expressed them, and your focus, dedication and participation in the discussion. You make me proud to be your teacher and happy to know such bright, intellectual, caring individuals.

Now, to continue the discussion... Our main question is: 
Does everyone deserve the right to a quality education? 
(Think about The Giver and why the members of the community don't have books).

And if you would like to specify it to this country: 
Do Haitians deserve the right to a quality education in the Dominican Republic? 
(You may want to check out this video so you understand a little more how Haitians are treated legally in the Dominican Republic). 

I would like to invite everyone, including Emmanuel College, to comment. Feel free to look back on and comment on prior blog posts as well!

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